Montessori Training FAQ’s

Montessori Training FAQ’s2020-02-28T09:02:25+02:00

Accreditation is the certification, usually for a certain period of time of a body or an institution, as having the capacity to fulfil a particular function within the quality assurance system set up by SAQA in terms of the SAQA Act, 1995. SAQA accredits all Education and Training Quality Assurance bodies (ETQA’s) who in turn accredit Education and Training Providers.

There are a number of advantages of becoming an accredited provider, including that the overall quality of education and training provision in South Africa is raised and maintained at a consistently high level. This means that the clients who use the services of that Education and Training Provider can be sure that the Provider complies with the required standards for learning and assessment services. It also means that all learners can be assured of a quality learning experience and that the credits and qualifications they achieve through the education and training service will be nationally and internationally recognised.

In addition, only accredited Education and Training Providers are able to deliver education and training that leads to nationally registered Unit Standards and Qualifications. Accreditation therefore provides Education and Training Providers with a valuable tool with which they can market their services to potential clients.

Currently, education qualifications up to NQF level 5 are accredited by the ETDP SETA, and qualifications at level 6 and above by the Council of Higher Education.

The ETQA responsibilities of SETAs will remain according to the mentioned SAQA regulations, until such time as the Minister Higher Education and Training publishes new regulations replacing the existing regulations, thereafter the responsibilities will reside with the Quality Council for Trade and Occupations (QCTO).

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The National Qualifications Framework was implemented in the late 1990s to redress the imbalances of the apartheid education system and create equality in qualifications. The NQF is the set of principles and guidelines by which records of learner achievement are registered to enable national recognition of acquired skills and knowledge, thereby ensuring an integrated system that encourages life-long learning.

The National Qualifications Framework Act No 67 of 2008 gives legislative effect to the new policy. This Act replaced the South African Qualifications Authority Act.
The objectives of the NQF as outlined in the NQF Act No 67 of 2008 are as follows:

  • To create a single integrated national framework for learning achievements;
  • Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education, training and career paths;
  • Enhance the quality of education and training;
  • Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities.

The objectives of the NQF are designed to contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large.

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The functions of SAQA, and the ambit of its authority, are set out in Section 13 of the National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008. – See more at:

The objectives of the NQF as outlined in the NQF Act No 67 of 2008 are as follows:

  • To create a single integrated national framework for learning achievements;
  • Facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education, training and career paths;
  • Enhance the quality of education and training;
  • Accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities.

The objectives of the NQF are designed to contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large.
– See more at:

SAQA has the following role with respect to qualifications:
1. SAQA must develop and implement policy and criteria, after consultation with the QCs for the development, registration and publication of qualifications and part-qualifications, which must include the following requirements:

  • The relevant sub-framework must be identified on any document relating to the registration and publication of a qualification or part-qualification;
  • Each sub-framework must have a distinct nomenclature for its qualification types which is appropriate to the relevant sub-framework and consistent with international practice.

2. SAQA must register a qualification or part-qualification recommended by a QC if it meets the relevant criteria;
3. SAQA must develop policy and criteria, after consultation with the QCs, for assessment, recognition of prior learning and credit accumulation and transfer.

The NLRD, which has been in operation since November 1999, is the electronic management information system that facilitates the management of the NQF and enables SAQA to report accurately on most aspects of the education and training system of South Africa. – See more at:
The SETA was established in March 2000 following the promulgation of the Skills Development Act, Act 97 of 1998 (as amended), and was re-established in April 2010. One of its mandates is to implement learning programmes including Learnerships, Apprenticeships, Skills Programmes and any other prescribed learning programmes which includes a structured work experience component. Mandated to promote and facilitate the delivery of education, training and development in order to enhance the skills profile of the Education, Training and Development (ETD) sector and contribute to the creation of employment opportunities especially for those previously disadvantaged.

Out of the 21 SETAs, the ETDP SETA is one of 18 SETAs that have been re-established with no changes for the period 2011 – 2016 (Certificate no. 07/ETDP/01/04/11) by the Minister of Higher Education and Training (DHET), Dr Blade Nzimande.

The overall objective of the ETDP SETA is to ensure that education and training systems, processes, procedures and qualifications are in place to ensure that high quality education and training is available in the education sector as per the relevant pieces of legislation.

The ETDP SETA is currently implementing the following Learnerships:
1. Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC) in ECD NQF Level 4;
2. National Diploma in ECD Practice NQF Level 5;
3. Development Practice NQF Level 5;
4. Youth Development Practice NQF Level 5 and
5. National Diploma in Environment Studies NQF Level 5.

The Early Childhood Development (ECD) Learnerships
Early Childhood Development (ECD) is the first and essential step that children need to enable them to succeed in their schooling years. It is a priority area in South Africa in order to improve the quality of basic education and learner achievement. This priory is supported by legislation, national policies and strategies. Consequently, the ETDP SETA places a huge emphasis on ECD programmes to help improve children’s capacity to develop and learn for better long term prospects. In order to meet ECD needs, the ETDP SETA is implementing the FETC in ECD Practice NQF Level 4 and the Diploma in ECD Practice NQF 5 for practitioners in all nine provinces. The ECD NQF Level 5, a two-year programme with 240 credits is aimed not only at increasing employment prospects for the unemployed but also at producing suitably qualified ECD practitioners with a recognised qualification.

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The Council on Higher Education (CHE) is an independent statutory body established in May 1998 in terms of theHigher Education Act (Act No 101 of 1997), as amended and it functions as the Quality Council for Higher Education in terms of the National Qualifications Framework Act (Act No 67 0f 2008).
The functions of the CHE include the following:

  • To provide advice to the Minister of Higher Education and Training on request or on its own initiative, on all aspects of higher education policy.
  • To develop and implement a system of quality assurance for higher education, including programme accreditation, institutional audits, quality promotion and capacity development, standards development and the implementation of the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF).
  • To monitor and report on the state of the higher education system, including assessing whether, how, to what extent and with what consequences the vision, policy goals and objectives for higher education are being realised.
  • To contribute to the development of higher education through intellectual engagement with key national and systemic issues, including international trends, producing publications, holding conferences and conducting research to inform and contribute to addressing the short and long-term challenges facing higher education.

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SACE is the South African Council of Educators. Section 21 of the South African Council for Educators Act, 2000 requires that:
1.1. every educator contemplated by the Act must register with the Council before appointment to a teaching post, and
1.2. no person may be employed as an educator by an employer unless that person is registered with the Council.

2. Registration Procedures
2.1. An educator must apply for registration with the Council by completing the Council’s application form.
2.2. The application must be accompanied by certified proof of the educator’s qualifications, identity document, and the required registration fee.
2.2.1. The minimum registration entry level for full registration status is a diploma in education at NQF level 6 (Three years post matric qualification)

However, provisional registration is accorded to different sectors as under different conditions as stated below:

  • ECD educators in possession of NQF level 5 certificate with 120 points are accommodated on a three-year renewable registration status.
  • Therapists with a valid HPCSA registration are accommodated as per employer’s recommendation at a school or institution.
  • AET educators in possession of NQF level 5 certificate with 120 points are accommodated on a three-year renewable registration if they provide a proof of registration for a diploma.
  • Waldorf and Montessori’s educators are accommodated on a three-year renewable registration status.
  • Skilled persons with N3 plus trade test are accommodated as per recommended by the employer.
  • Student educators are accommodated for four years until they graduat
  • First-year students who just registered for BEd must bring a letter of recommendation from the employer.

Only original application forms will be accepted and SACE do not accept faxed nor e-mailed forms.

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MACTE accredits certification programs based on (1) the evidence they have that they prepare competent, caring, and qualified professional Montessori educators and (2) their capacity to monitor and improve the program’s quality.

MACTE’s constituency represents a broad range of educational institutions and is not limited to programs/institutions operating within the United States. Licensure programs offered by non-higher education organizations, which satisfy MACTE’s requirements, may be accredited by MACTE as well as programs conducted via distance learning.

MACTE has its principal office on the Downtown Walking Mall in Charlottesville, Virginia and Board Members serving worldwide.
Follow this link for South African accredited programmes:

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MACTE accreditation governs Montessori standards only, and is not a qualification that is registered or accredited on the South African National Qualifications Framework. SAQA has a mandate to evaluate foreign qualifications in terms of section 13(m) of the National Qualifications Framework Act, 67 of 2008.
The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Act 67 of 2008 mandates SAQA to provide a foreign qualifications evaluation and advisory service, which it does in accordance with the Policy and Criteria for Evaluating Foreign Qualifications within the South African NQF, as amended (March 2017). Section 29(a) of the Policy and Criteria stipulates the requirements that a foreign awarding institution must meet for its qualifications to be recognised.

Before paying the fee to have your qualification verified as a foreign qualification we would strongly advise you to first enquire from Directorate Foreign Qualifications Evaluation and Advisory Services SAQA if SAQA recognise awards coming from the institution who issued your certificate.
